Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Rise From The Dead... No. BED!

Wow. It's been 5 months not blogging already?

I have been getting jammed up with work. Or so to say I have been extremely lazy to post anything here.

But here's a little re-cap of what's been going on. If I can remember minus the little details.

Workload has been increasingly burdening with the fact that I'm given the responsibility to handle such trivial and tedious task. Knowingly the consequences playing in the back of head truly isn't helping much. And with my boss in Aussie had taken a long month vacation leave, work has never been the same. And so much to know that he is posting the places where he is vacation-ing leaves me much in envy. From Melbourne, to Singapore, back to Cairns, Aus. Then off he went back to Singapore, to Frankfurt, to London, took a cruise at Southampton, to Spain, and now currently I last checked, he's at Miami. Boo you! But best part yet, I was given the green light to message him on FB for any "urgent/serious" matter to inform him to check his email. Bad choice! Bad choice. *grins evilly*

But that's just that much about work.

Other than that, my little one is getting off from kindy real soon for the end-year vacation till school re-opens next year. Glad to say that I need not have to fork out that much of money for kindy fees no more. Now all we need is BIGGER school bag to fit in all the notorious text books. I still vaguely remember I never needed to carry such heavy load to school. But nowadays I pity schoolchildren to having heave the burden of heavy textbooks in their bag. They're literally back hunching at the age of 7. I do need a checklist for this. Really.

And so with my little one, I have been happily blessed to be attending her kindy sports day, where she has won herself 1 gold and 1 silver medal (clap clap) which photos can be viewed via my FB, if you have me. Attending her graduation where she finally wore her graduation robe and hat with awesome-looking hard cover book of her graduation certificate with photos of her kindy mates and a portrait of herself.

Primary school! Here we come!

What else have I missed out on? Ah, just general... my sister's toy poodle has been an addition to the family. Sister's 27th birthday came and gone and looking forward for my mums. Annual dinner of my company is just around. Can't remember much of others.

Oh! And last but not least. I would like to congratulate to my dear friend, Li Ann and Lam for their engagement. Sorry I could not be there to witness this joyous moment of yours in which you had in mine previously. Definitely will try my best to attend your wedding ceremony! Fingers crossed to have everything run sailing smooth next year.

And to you others, the year has about to come to an end pretty soon. Have you all mapped out your plans for next year yet? Me? No, not yet.

Soon... I guess!

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